Our Founder
Our Founder

Founder and Honorary Chairman of Özaltın Holding 1939 - 2016“Everyone imagines but not everyone reaches their imaginations.
I knew I would reach it”.
Born in a small village in Arhavi, Artvin in 1939, Nuri Özaltın adopted lifetime working a philosophy of life.
To a colossal Holding, with a small investment…
Starting his business life at early ages, Nuri Özaltin laid the foundations of today’s holding only with a small amount of investment in 1965.
“Working keeps one hearty. The key to my success is the right decision on the right time and my everlasting passion of working”.
50 years’ experience, never-ending achievements...
Nuri Özaltın has broken grounds in any field he operated and set an example to other investors in the industry thanks to his visionary perspective, innovative identity, courage and pioneering attempts.
Aspiring to serve his country and his people in 50 years of his business life, Nuri Özaltin was noted for his contributions to social responsibility projects and charities and was a respected and popular businessman in business world.
We hereby commemorate with respect,